Staking Solutions: Heavy Duty Retaining Stakes
Staking Solutions
16011 - retaining stake 450mm
16012 - retaining stake 450mm (wto) copy

Heavy Duty Retaining Stakes

CATEGORY: Staking Solutions Array
• Corner stake for external corners
• Flat stake for joining or straight runs
• Hot dip galvanised for long life
• Pre-drilled holes for easy screwing or nailing
• 450mm bar secures deeply into the ground
• Chisel point drives quickly and easily


Whites HD Retaining Stakes are easy to use heavy duty staking solution for timber sleepers. These are hot dip galvanised for a longer-life in the ground.

These Stakes are available in flat or corner configuration for single sleeper height garden beds and edging. Simply lay out your sleepers, drive the stake into the ground, and nail or screw through pre-drilled holes to secure your timber sleeper border.

    • the flat stake can be used for straight runs or for joining sleepers in longer runs
    • the corner stake provides 90° internal or external corners

CodeProduct NameHeightMOQBarcode
16011HD Retaining Stake - Corner450mm129312261160111
16012HD Retaining Stake - Flat450mm129312261160128

Not all products available in all areas of Australia.

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